Neema Lugangira

Neema Lugangira

Member of Parliament
Additional SUN Country Seat


Hon. Neema Lugangira is a dedicated and influential Member of Parliament in Tanzania, recognized for her extensive experience and successful track record in championing policy advocacy and legislative reforms across various sectors. She is the founder of two impactful NGOs: Agri Thamani, which is committed to ending malnutrition, addressing climate action, and hosting the World Food Forum Tanzania Chapter; and Omuka Hub, focused on accelerating digital development, combating online violence against women in politics, and hosting the African Parliamentary Network on Internet Governance (APNIG).

Internationally, Hon. Lugangira holds several prominent positions. She serves as the Africa Representative to the Global Board of the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank and IMF, and the Africa Representative to the Global Executive Board of the International Parliamentary Network on Education (IPNEd). She is also a member of the Women Parliamentarians Network on Foreign and Security Policy for Development under the Munich Security Conference, as well as a member of the Multi-Stakeholder Advisory Group of the United Nations Internet Governance Forum.

A notable advocate for nutrition, Hon. Lugangira has been instrumental in prioritizing nutrition as a national agenda, both before and during her tenure as a Member of Parliament. Her key achievements in this area include recognizing nutrition as a critical success factor for human capital development, ensuring nutrition is prioritized in the 2020-2025 election manifestos of three major political parties in Tanzania, supporting the Ministry of Agriculture in launching the National Nutrition-Sensitive Action Plan, and assisting the Ministry of Education in launching the National School Feeding Guidelines. Additionally, she has led Tanzania to join the School Meals Coalition and has mobilized fellow Parliamentarians in Tanzania and across Africa to prioritize nutrition in their advocacy efforts.