Improving nutrition outcomes across sectors: four multisectoral guidance documents to integrate nutrition policy and programming objectives

Improving nutrition programming and policy -- new guidance

June 16, 2022 - Last update: July 22, 2022

DAI’s Technical Assistance to Strengthen Capabilities (TASC) project has recently developed four new guidance notes on nutrition programming, commissioned by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). The four notes detail the latest evidence on how to improve nutrition programming and policies and will be used to support staff and/or implementing bodies who are planning or already engaging in nutrition-relevant interventions through a range of sectors.

The first note, Improving How to Reach Those Most-at-risk of Malnutrition: A Guidance Note, identifies key population groups that are most nutritionally at-risk, the drivers of elevated malnutrition risk, and how to address the nutritional needs of at-risk groups.

The second note, Aligning Food System Activities with Healthier Diets for Low-Income Households: A Guidance Note, supports organisations and practitioners to design programmes and policies that enable the world’s most vulnerable people to eat more diverse, healthier diets, while also meeting climate and economic objectives.

How to Promote Better Nutrition Through Social Assistance: A Guidance Note, identifies how to use social protection programmes to target those most at risk of malnutrition, improve diets and address other nutrition determinants.

The final note, Monitoring and Evaluation of Nutrition-Relevant Programmes: A Guidance Note and associated indicator tool, supports accurate measurement of programme outcomes and impacts for all target populations. It explains how to use the data generated through M&E efforts to reflect the contribution made by nutrition programmes, and to improve them as necessary to increase effectiveness.



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