SUN Movement
Global Gathering 2024
26-28 November 2024
Kigali, Rwanda


About the SUN Movement Global Gathering

Since 2012, the SUN Global Gathering has been a cornerstone event for the SUN Movement, bringing together political leaders, advocates and experts from around the world. The gatherings are vital for reviewing progress and maintaining the momentum needed to fight malnutrition in all its forms, everywhere.
The Global Gatherings underscore the power of the Movement through broad country representation and the strength of collective action. SUN Global Gatherings are instrumental in enabling and accelerating progress across countries and communities by emphasizing partnerships, people-centred country actions and innovation. Building on this legacy, the 2024 Global Gathering will highlight nutrition and its impacts on health systems, social protection, gender equality, food and agriculture, reflecting the interconnected nature of these issues.

How to participate


The agenda for the global gathering is structured around the following four main pillars

The nutrition in food systems transformation and climate

pillar will explore successes and challenges in bringing together food systems and nutrition agendas and leveraging the commitment, expertise and structures of the SUN Movement for accelerated action. Food quality, pricing and the private sector’s role in food systems will be explored, looking particularly at the roles of micro, small and medium enterprises.

Embedding nutrition across health and social protection

will look at opportunities and successes in scaling up nutrition actions through these sectors in light of World Health Assembly (WHA) targets and with a view to prioritizing nutrition in sectoral interventions and national plans. Focus will be placed on the first 1,000 days, adolescent girls, and nutrition-specific interventions while also exploring the key entry points for mainstreaming nutrition across social protection systems and programmes.

In financing for nutrition,

we will collectively explore opportunities to mobilize the influencing powers, knowledge, networks and resources within the SUN Movement to optimize and increase domestic and global financing for nutrition. This includes showcasing best practices, leveraging the potential of development financing agencies and mechanisms not traditionally used for nutrition, and creating space to discuss investment opportunities and capacity-strengthening needs and solutions.

The research, innovation and technology accelerators for action

pillar will highlight breakthroughs in nutrition – from cutting-edge products to groundbreaking research and evidence – while celebrating successes and sharing lessons learned. The pillar will also dig into the latest evidence on nutrition and explore new innovations. Participants will engage on the effective use of evidence and data for nutrition decision- making and advocacy.


The theme of the 2024 Global Gathering will be "NutritiON: Power the Change".

The 2024 Global Gathering will be a critical pivot point, aligning the full diversity of nutrition stakeholders in support of targeted political and financial action to end malnutrition in all its forms.

Nutrition is both an input and outcome of sustainable and equitable socioeconomic development. It stands as a linchpin of contemporary development challenges, intrinsically linked with public health, robust and sustainable food systems, climate action, gender equality, educational opportunities, water management and social protection. Yet, nutrition progress is falling behind, evidenced by the rising numbers of all forms of malnutrition – from underweight to micronutrient deficiencies to overweight and obesity – with severe counter-effects on the health and well-being of our people and planet. The enormity of the challenge can only be tackled when governments, donors, international organizations, financial institutions, the private sector and civil society work together to create lasting systemic change on the ground. Stronger political leadership and increased financing are critical for success. The ambition of the Global Gathering is to reposition nutrition at the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and serve as a catalyst for change among the 66 SUN Countries and beyond, bringing countries together to share experiences and best practices with a view to unifying countries and solidifying national commitments to the Nutrition for Growth agenda.

How toparticipate

Participation to the SUN Movement Global Gathering is by invitation only, however the high-level sessions will be livestreamed. Should you wish to stay up to date with the latest news about the event and receive links to join these, please keep visiting this page.

If you have any questions about participation, please email us at

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