
Africa Food Systems Forum's (AGRF) 2024 Summit

Africa Food Systems Forum's (AGRF) 2024 Summit

April 30, 2024 - Last update: July 22, 2024

The Africa’s Food Systems Forum (AGRF) 2024 will be held in Kigali, Rwanda, hosted by the Government of Rwanda and the AFS Forum Partner’s group.

The AGRF is Africa's largest annual summit on agriculture and food systems. This year's summit will focus on the continental food systems agenda, featuring innovative approaches, solutions, proven business models, best practices and latest technologies that have the potential to transform agriculture and food systems to ensure food and nutrition security in Africa, and generate jobs and opportunities for youth and women.

Save the date and  join us in our collective journey of fostering healthier, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable food systems.

When: September 2-6, 2024

Featured image by Daniella Van Leggelo-Padilla / World Bank

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Food Systems