Impacts of the Russia-Ukraine War on Nutrition, Food Security, and Poverty in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities to Building Resilient Food Systems

Impacts of the Russia-Ukraine War on Nutrition, Food Security, and Poverty in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities to Building Resilient Food Systems

July 25, 2022 - Last update: July 25, 2022

AKADEMIYA2063 and the Senegalese National Council for Nutrition Development (CNDN) are organizing a series of nutrition and food security dialogues in support of the African Union, 2022 Year of Nutrition: Strengthening Resilience in Nutrition and Food Security on the African Continent. The third dialogue of the series will take place virtually on Tuesday, July 26, 2022, on the topic of the “Impacts of the Russia-Ukraine War on Nutrition, Food Security, and Poverty in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities to Building Resilient Food Systems.”

Start date
