Announcing the New SUN Movement Strategy, Revised Road Map and Updated Progress Report

The SUN Movement has released a new SUN Movement Strategy for 2012-2015 and updated Progress Report for the period 2011-2012.

October 10, 2012 - Last update: July 4, 2022

The SUN Movement has released a new SUN Movement Strategy for 2012-2015, Revised Road Map and updated Progress Report for the period 2011-2012.

The SUN Movement Strategy, prepared for the SUN Lead Group meeting in September 2012, presents an overview of the Movement’s vision, goals and strategic approach and objectives for the period 2012-2015.

With input from stakeholders across the Movement, the Strategy has been endorsed by the SUN Lead Group, and will serve a framework to guide coordinated action and progress to achieve long-term objectives for scaling up nutrition. The strategy document is also available in French and Spanish.

The 2012 Road Map compliments the SUN Movement Strategy 2012-2015. It provides a greater level of detail on how the Movement’s stakeholders will work together to ensure greatest impact of their collective actions on nutrition outcomes in SUN countries. The 2012 Road map is a revision of the 2012 version and continues to evolve as strategies and approaches are refined. The SUN Lead Group has asked the SUN Movement Secretariat to work with members in SUN Networks to ensure that a detailed Accountability Framework as well as a Resource Mobilization Strategy and Operating Plan are developed in the coming months.

This is the second annual Progress Report presents a detailed snapshot of the progress and results towards scaling up nutrition in SUN countries for the period 2011-2012 and the broad evolution of the Movement.
