Bangladeshi Minister says there is no alternative to breastfeeding for the growth of infants

Bangladeshi Minister says there is no alternative to breastfeeding for the growth of infants

On 1 August 2016, as part of World Breastfeeding Week, the Health and Family Planning Minister of Bangladesh, Mr Mohammad Nasim, has shown his support by stressing the importance of breastfeeding at the inaugural ceremony for World Breastfeeding Week held in Dhaka. “There is no alternative…

August 23, 2016 - Last update: February 10, 2023

On 1 August 2016, as part of World Breastfeeding Week, the Health and Family Planning Minister of Bangladesh, Mr Mohammad Nasim, has shown his support by stressing the importance of breastfeeding at the inaugural ceremony for World Breastfeeding Week held in Dhaka.

“There is no alternative to breastfeeding for the normal growth of infants as [breastmilk] contains essential nutrients for the infants and helps increase resistance power,” Health and Family Planning Minister of Bangladesh, Mr Mohammad Nasim

The Bangladeshi Government has put in place facilities and allowances under the country’s maternal schemes and the ‘working Lactating Mothers Fund’.  As most Governmental offices have put in place “breastfeeding corners”, Minister Rasim passed the baton urging other organizations and companies, such as non-governmental organizations (NOGs) to do the same. Other speakers at the event highlighted Bangladesh’s successes in increasing exclusive breastfeeding rates among children below six months – an admirable achievement, while urging NGOs, banks, insurance companies, factories, shopping malls, professional bodies, trade unions and other human rights organizations to raise awareness about the issue and to help mothers feed their infants at work. Furthermore, by availing breastfeeding facilities at work working mothers can safeguard their child’s health, and, in the same token, experience less work-related tension and stress.

Learn more at Financial Express and BSS News

Further efforts during the week were lead by SPRING including over 100 rallies, quiz competitions, discussions, and several dramas and music performances in all 40 upazilas across Khulna and Barisal divisions. The events were attended by local-level government officials and many members of the community, including graduated members of SPRING’s farmer nutrition schools. In addition, drama and music performances containing messages on the importance of breastfeeding were organized at the community level.

Learn more at SPRING

BBC Media Action’s Bangladesh Television Drama Ujan Ganger Naiya is the story of several village families struggling with the impact of health issues facing mothers and infants. This clip features advice about breastfeeding.




