Bangladeshi women MPs attend advocacy seminar on mainstreaming nutrition in national policies

Bangladeshi women MPs attend advocacy seminar on mainstreaming nutrition in national policies

On the 23rd February 2017, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Alive and Thrive, with the support of the Private Media and Communication Company arranged a seminar aimed at engaging women parliamentarians in mainstreaming nutrition into policies, with a special emphasis on the importance of breastfeeding, and maternal, infant and young child nutrition.

March 3, 2017 - Last update: February 10, 2023

bangladesh Women MP


On the 23rd February 2017, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Alive and Thrive, with the support of the private media and communication company, Dhansiri, arranged a seminar aimed at engaging women parliamentarians in mainstreaming nutrition into policies, with a special emphasis on the importance of breastfeeding, and maternal, infant and young child nutrition.

The SUN Civil Society Alliance was invited as a special guest to provide relevant information about scaling up nutrition initiatives, and recommendations on how national civil society organisations can collaborate with MPs in order to achieve the national nutrition goal. Thereafter, a working session led women MPs to explore how they can serve as nutrition advocates and involve community and local representatives in scaling up  nutrition.  Following this seminar, it was agreed that MPs and the SUN Civil Society Alliance will jointly work on organising nutrition awareness events.

Advocacy seminar with the Woman Members of the Parliamentarians (MP) and Policymakers


Download the nutrition advocacy materials (in Bengali) developed by Alive & Thrive with the technical assistance of Dhanshiri.

Check out the TV Campaigns (in Bengali with English subtitles) developed by Dhanshiri and shown on Bangladesh private and public television:


SUN Global Support System
SUN Civil Society Network