Benin launches a Civil Society Alliance for Scaling Up Nutrition

On the 10th February 2015, civil society groups came together in Cotonou for the official launch of the Benin civil society alliance for scaling up nutrition, “Alliance de la société civile pour l’intensification de la nutrition au Bénin” (ASCINB). Over forty participants from various civil society organisations…

February 12, 2015 - Last update: February 13, 2023

On the 10th February 2015, civil society groups came together in Cotonou for the official launch of the Benin civil society alliance for scaling up nutrition, “Alliance de la société civile pour l’intensification de la nutrition au Bénin” (ASCINB). Over forty participants from various civil society organisations attended the launch with the shared objective of intensifying nutrition efforts in the country for the promotion of sustainable food and nutrition security. ASCINB has been established with the support of the Platform of Civil Society Actors in Benin, The Hunger Project Benin and the National Food and Nutrition Council. During the event, members were elected and agreed to review and validate a road map for 2015 – 2016.

See the ASCINB official report

See media coverage at La Presse and Jolome News


SUN Global Support System
SUN Civil Society Network