Bursaries available for INTRAC Advocacy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Course – 31 March 2014

  INTRAC’s is offering a course that will support practitioners to ensure monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is integrated into both planning advocacy initiatives and feeding into organisational learning and accountability. The course will focus on a variety of practical ways to meet the challenges of…

March 26, 2014 - Last update: July 4, 2022


INTRAC’s is offering a course that will support practitioners to ensure monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is integrated into both planning advocacy initiatives and feeding into organisational learning and accountability. The course will focus on a variety of practical ways to meet the challenges of advocacy M&E. The course content draws on real-life case studies from INTRAC’s work in supporting organisations to develop advocacy strategies and from carrying out evaluations of advocacy initiatives. It deals with the challenge of how to assess contribution to change. Finally, it provides a series of practical tools which can help participants to develop and improve the advocacy M&E systems, in accordance with their organisation’s capacity and needs.


INTRAC has recently begun a bursary scheme for small civil society organisations wishing to send participants on their courses. This scheme represents a 50% savings on the normal cost of INTRAC courses.


More information on the Advocacy, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Course is here.


More information on INTRAC’s bursary scheme is here.
