Burundi: SUN Movement Launch

On 18 July, Burundian President Pierre Nkurunziza formally launched the SUN Movement in Burundi and announced the adoption by the Council of Ministers of the terms of reference of the Multisectoral Platform Nutrition and Food Security or Plateforme Multisectorielle de Sécurité Alimentaire et de Nutrition (PMSAN), which will be under the coordination of the Second Vice-President of the Republic.

July 31, 2013 - Last update: February 10, 2023

On 18 July, Burundian President Pierre Nkurunziza formally launched the SUN Movement in Burundi and announced the adoption by the Council of Ministers of the terms of reference of the Multisectoral Platform Nutrition and Food Security or Plateforme Multisectorielle de Sécurité Alimentaire et de Nutrition (PMSAN), which will be under the coordination of the Second Vice-President of the Republic.

In his speech the President outlined the various steps his government is taking to reduce rates of stunting in the country including – addressing malnutrition as part of the priority programs of the Burundi Vision 2025 and the Strategic Framework for Growth and Fight against Poverty; the validation of a multi-sectoral strategic plan to fight malnutrition; integration of nutrition into the National Agricultural Investment Plan and engagement with the UN REACH partnership.

The results of a situation analysis of child malnutrition in Burundi, supported by UNICEF were also presented during the event. This analysis helps to identify the various interventions that if implemented can have a significant impact on chronic child malnutrition in Burundi.

Photos: Burundi SUN Launch

Additional Resources

Speech of the President of Burundi

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