Canada: Leader in the Effort to Scale up Nutrition

Canada has displayed ongoing leadership in the effort to scale up nutrition, as displayed recently with their support for the High-Level Meeting on Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) during the 2012 UN General Assembly last month.

October 2, 2012 - Last update: November 6, 2023

Canada has displayed ongoing leadership in the effort to scale up nutrition, as displayed recently with their support for the High-Level Meeting on Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) during the 2012 UN General Assembly last month. The event was co-hosted by Julian Fantino Canada’s Minister of International Cooperation, who is also a member of the SUN Movement Lead Group.

Additionally, in an effort to contribute to global efforts to meet Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5, Prime Minister Stephen Harper has shown leadership in prioritizing maternal and child health and nutrition interventions across development initiates.

Canada-based organization the Micronutrient Initiative (MI) is also contributing to the nation’s leadership in improving nutrition in the developing world, implementing programs and forging partnerships to combat micronutrient deficiencies, and supporting global advocacy efforts. President of MI, Venkatesh Mannar, also participated in the recent High-Level Nutrition SUN Meeting during UNGA.
