Chad establishes their national nutrition platform with a Ministerial Decree

On 22 August 2014, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Chad, Hon. Kalzeube Payuimi Deubet, signed a Presedential Decree for the creation, organisation and function of a national nutrition council called “Conseil National de Nutrition et d’Alimentation” (CNNA). The decree gives the CNNA legal…

November 4, 2014 - Last update: February 10, 2023

On 22 August 2014, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Chad, Hon. Kalzeube Payuimi Deubet, signed a Presedential Decree for the creation, organisation and function of a national nutrition council called “Conseil National de Nutrition et d’Alimentation” (CNNA). The decree gives the CNNA legal status and enables them to take the initiative to bring stakeholders together and accelerate actions for scaling up nutrition. The CNNA will be responsible for the deliberation, consultation, guidance and control of the National Nutrition and Food Policy (2014 – 2025).

The CNNA will be chaired by the Prime Minister, vice-chaired by the Minister of Health and will convene once every six months. Members of the council will be representatives from the seven following ministries;

  • Ministry of Agriculture and Environment
  • Ministry of Livestock and Water
  • Ministry of Research and Higher Education
  • Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Tourism
  • Ministry of Education
  • Ministry of Communication

The CNNA will work closely with the Permanent Technical Committee on Food and Nutrition and the Regional Committee for Food and Nutrition. Both agencies have also been established by this decree. The technical committee engages multiple stakeholder groups including the civil society, business and the UN System (including UN REACH) and donors. The regional committee ensures the coherency of actions across sectors at decentralised levels to reach the most vulnerable populations in Chad.

View the decree


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