Costs of SUN Country Plans: New Analysis

Mobilizing domestic and global resources is critical to ensuring that the cross-sector coordination, planning and implementation at the core of the SUN Movement can be fully realized. An analysis of 16 SUN country plans has been undertaken to better understand national planning and investment priorities, and to help mobilise additional resources.

May 13, 2013 - Last update: July 4, 2022

Mobilizing domestic and global resources is critical to ensuring that the cross-sector coordination, planning and implementation at the core of the SUN Movement can be fully realized. An analysis of 16 SUN country plans has been undertaken to better understand national planning and investment priorities, and to help mobilise additional resources.

The report sets out the findings of the first step in this longer engagement with SUN countries: understanding the basis for SUN country calculation of nutrition costs. The figures will change over time as SUN countries refine their plans and revise costs accordingly. The executive summary can be found here.

Click here for additional information on the costing analysis ▶
