Côte D’Ivoire sets priority areas for nutrition behaviour communication

On 11 March 2015, a workshop was held in Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire, to develop a communication strategy on good nutrition behaviours. The event was organised by the National Nutrition Program Coordinators with USAID. Director of the National Nutrition Programme (Pnn), Dr Patricia N’Goran, who is also the SUN…

March 23, 2015 - Last update: February 10, 2023

On 11 March 2015, a workshop was held in Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire, to develop a communication strategy on good nutrition behaviours. The event was organised by the National Nutrition Program Coordinators with USAID. Director of the National Nutrition Programme (Pnn), Dr Patricia N’Goran, who is also the SUN Government Focal Point, stressed that malnutrition in all its forms, affects large populations, in the country.

Following the workshop, the government set communication priority areas for nutrition, including:

  1. Improve the nutrition of children and newborns
  2. Ensure food and nutrition security for those infected or affected by HIV / Aids
  3. Combat micronutrient deficiencies

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Côte d'Ivoire