David Nabarro: The Year Ahead for SUN

The efforts of the Movement for Scaling-Up Nutrition (SUN) are contributing to better nutrition for people in SUN countries – especially women and young children. We are pleased to share some examples in the January 2013 Update.

January 23, 2013 - Last update: July 4, 2022

The SUN Movement is working…

The efforts of the Movement for Scaling-Up Nutrition (SUN) are contributing to better nutrition for people in SUN countries – especially women and young children.
Thirty three countries have committed to scaling up nutrition, home to 59 million stunted children. These countries are putting into place processes that will result in real outcomes in terms of improved nutrition.

Within our Movement we are increasingly focused on women having the power, autonomy and capacity to breastfeed and care for their children; to access nutritious foods at all times, and to benefit from effective public health services.

Progress is evident throughout the Movement and we are pleased to share some examples in the SUN January 2013 Update.

We all want the decisions made and actions taken in 2013 to enable millions more people to enjoy better nutrition. A lot is expected of the Movement. SUN countries have identified a number of priorities for 2013.

Stakeholders in SUN countries will align their efforts using Common Results Frameworks (CRFs) so that all share the same goals and implement effective action to achieve them. Countries will take an approach that aligns nutrition-specific interventions and nutrition-sensitive approaches to development.

SUN countries will estimate the costs of scaling up nutrition in a comparable way, harmonizing the elements and costs of nutrition plans and identifying the shortfalls in finance. Countries will lead a coordinated effort to mobilize resources and funds needed to fill gaps that need to be met.
SUN countries will continue to monitor and communicate on progress and assess the impact on nutrition outcomes.

SUN Networks will intensify their responsiveness to country requests. They will seek a massive increase in commitments to the Movement – from civil society, professional bodies and the research community, as well as regional and global organizations.

The focus – for all – is to aid the implementation of government policies in SUN countries.

The Movement will agree on a robust process based on the SUN principles of engagement for handling differences of opinions and approaches. Through establishment of systems to foster constructive and inclusive dialogue, the Movement will asses and resolve conflicts of interest where they may exist. It will continue to build its accountability framework.

The Movement will be ready for opportunities. In 2013 leaders will focus on people’s nutrition at many regional and global events. There will be opportunitites to secure a place on the agenda for nutrition in the post-2015 development framework discussions and ensure accountability for better nutrition (Brussels, March 2013). Leaders and decision-makers will convene in April to explore the links between hunger, nutrition and climate change and find ways to comprehensively address these threats (Dublin, April 2013). Our collective resolve to fight malnutrition will benefit from the sharing of the latest evidence about maternal and child nutrition (the launch of a second series of Lancet articles in May 2013). We also hope to consolidate our global reach and potential for significant progress when G8 leaders gather in the UK this summer (June 2013), as well as when critical nutrition actors and thinkers convene in Rome at the Food and Agriculture Organisation-World Health Organisation International Conference on Nutrition (November 2013).

The 1000 day period between pregnancy and a child’s second birthday is the window of opportunity for improving nutrition. Launched in September 2010, the SUN Movement will reach the end of its first 1000 days in June 2013. We will have much to show by that date. Let us all make sure that the world knows what is being achieved.

-David Nabarro
SUN Movement Coordinator
January 2013

READ THE FULL JANUARY UPDATE: ‘Country Progress In Scaling Up Nutrition’
