Deputy Prime Minister of Viet Nam meets with SUN Movement Coordinator to discuss progress in eliminating malnutrition by 2030

Deputy Prime Minister of Viet Nam meets with SUN Movement Coordinator to discuss progress in eliminating malnutrition by 2030

On 16 February 2017, in Ha Noi, Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Vu Duc Dam of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam had a meeting with Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Coordinator and Assistant UN Secretary-General Ms. Gerda Verburg to discuss progress in eliminating malnutrition by 2030. Ms. Gerda Verburg called on the Government and the nutrition community, at large, to remain steadfast in its commitment to fight malnutrition in the country.

February 20, 2017 - Last update: February 10, 2023

Vietnam Gerda

On 16 February 2017, in Ha Noi, Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Vu Duc Dam of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam had a meeting with Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Coordinator and Assistant UN Secretary-General Ms. Gerda Verburg to discuss progress in eliminating malnutrition by 2030.

Ms. Gerda Verburg is currently visiting Southeast Asian SUN Countries to discuss how to step up progress in the fight against malnutrition in the sub-region, the first stop being Viet Nam. Looking back at progress seen in combating both undernutrition and over nutrition, Ms. Gerda Verburg cited the country as a powerful example of “how a Government’s commitment can inspire others to step up and act for nutrition, gender equality, and children’s health by strengthening maternity leave and breastfeeding policies”.

Indeed, since Viet Nam joined the SUN Movement in January 2014, its experience has been widely shared across SUN countries, and beyond, resulting in notable policy wins for breastfeeding and maternity protection in several countries such as Cambodia, Indonesia and Myanmar. Ms. Gerda Verburg congratulated the Deputy Prime Minister for his vital role in the extension of maternity leave up to six months, and ensuring the improved regulation on marketing and use of breastmilk substitutes and feeding products for young girls and boys, in addition to mandated food fortification.

On behalf of the Government, the Deputy Prime Minister expressed his appreciation for the work of the SUN Movement and reiterated the strong willingness of the new Government to work towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the successful integration of this ambitious roadmap into National Assembly Resolutions and governmental guidance documents.

Over the past years Viet Nam has been focusing its efforts to ensure food security for its population with adequate food production. But now there is the need to accelerate our measures to build a nutrition secure future generation by addressing nutrient deficiencies within the first 1000 days of a child’s birth. This will allow us to grow faster as a nation”

Mr. Vu Duc Dam, Deputy Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam


Ms. Gerda Verburg concluded the bilateral meeting by reassuring the Deputy Prime Minister that the SUN Movement, and its whole support system, is at hand to offer technical assistance and any help needed in the fight against malnutrition. And that the many successful stories of change of its nutrition community are wildly shared within the Movement and beyond, showing that zero hunger and an end to malnutrition within our generation is indeed possible. She called on the Government and the nutrition community, at large, to remain steadfast in its commitment to fight malnutrition in the country.

Considering Viet Nam’s commitment to the attainment of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the implementation of the United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition (2016-2025), I have no doubt that your country will go to great lengths to make sure that all Sustainable Development Goals are met, by leveraging the competencies of all Ministries to deliver on the National Nutrition Strategy and National Action Plan of Nutrition of Viet Nam.”

Ms. Gerda Verburg, Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Coordinator and Assistant UN Secretary-General


Learn more about the meeting : English   Tiếng Việt


Nutrition for Growth Nutrition-sensitive
Viet Nam