Do you know a nutrition champion who has transformed thinking and action on nutrition?

Until 15 September 2015, Transform Nutrition, in partnership with Save the Children, are inviting nominations for Nutrition Champions in 2015. Nutrition Champions can be any individual who has had significant success in transforming thinking or action on nutrition. They are looking for individuals who are…

August 7, 2015 - Last update: February 10, 2023

10078217445_9cb8d7d9cd_kUntil 15 September 2015, Transform Nutrition, in partnership with Save the Children, are inviting nominations for Nutrition Champions in 2015. Nutrition Champions can be any individual who has had significant success in transforming thinking or action on nutrition. They are looking for individuals who are innovating of influencing and whose work has started to make a real difference in their locality in recent years for improved nutrition.

“I’m really pleased about the Transform Nutrition Champions awards from Transform Nutrition and Save the Children UK.  It recognizes unsung heroes and by doing so gives them a little more belief and fortitude and, more importantly, gives the rest of us their story to inspire us and help energize the leaders of the future.” – Lawrence Haddad in his blog, Development Horizons

This follows a first round of Nutrition Champions in 2013 which were awarded by Ellen Piwoz from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation at the 2013 SUN Movement Global Gathering. The 2013 Transform Nutrition Champion Award honorees’ were: Luis Enrique Monterroso from Guatemala, Banda Ndiaye from Senegal and Terry Wefwafwa from Kenya.

Do you know someone who has made great strides in scaling up nutrition? Their actions may include:

  • influencing the government, local authorities or an organisation to take nutrition on board as a development priority
  • improving the quality and/or scale of nutrition programmes or interventions,
  • effectively promoting nutritional considerations within other sectors e.g. agriculture, social protection, water and sanitation
  • influencing the formulation or implementation of policies or strategies so as to benefit nutrition
  • building consensus and/or coalitions within the national or local nutrition community around a clear and consistent agenda for change
  • mobilizing communities and/or supporting women to play an active role in influencing the policies, programs and actions to scale up nutrition.

If yes, go directly to the Nutrition Champion Nomination Page to learn more and submit your nomination!

Learn more about the 2013 honorees

Transform NutritionAbout Transform Nutrition

Transform Nutrition is led by the International Food Policy Research Institute and the Transform Nutrition consortium is made of up of five organisations, each with their own distinct roles. The Transform Nutrition management team, drawn from these organisations, leads the day-to-day work and a steering group, with representatives from each of the organisations, guides their work.


SUN Global Support System
SUN Civil Society Network