The draft Decade of Action on Nutrition Work Programme is now available for comment!

The draft Decade of Action on Nutrition Work Programme is now available for comment!

In January 2017, the first draft Work Programme of the Decade of Action on Nutrition was shared publicly and is available for comment. The Work Programme has been developed according to the mandates of UN General Assembly Resolution 70/269 and taking into account WHA Resolution 69/8

February 3, 2017 - Last update: February 10, 2023

CaptureIn January 2017, the first draft Work Programme of the Decade of Action on Nutrition was shared publicly and made available for comment. The Work Programme has been developed according to the mandates of UN General Assembly Resolution 70/269 and taking into account WHA Resolution 69/8. It describes its aims, added value and guiding principles; key areas for priority action; modalities of engagement and roles of Member States and other stakeholders, as well as the tools for driving action (means of implementation); and accountability framework.

WorkplanIt is a living document and is being developed through an inclusive, continuous and collaborative process, intending to build upon and connect the independent initiatives of governments and their many partners.

Download: First draft work programme (English) 

WHO and FAO will solicit comments through:

A second draft of the document will be submitted to the World Health Assembly in May 2017 and the FAO Conference in July 2017.

The Nutrition Decade recognizes the emergence of local, national regional and global movements to end all forms of malnutrition and seeks to provide a framework in which governments and their partners adopt and implement policies and programmes to create sustainable food systems and enabling environments that promote healthy dietary practices. The ultimate objective is to support fulfillment of the ICN2 commitments and achievement of the Global Nutrition and diet-related NCD targets by 2025 as well as to contribute to the achievement of SDGs by 2030

For more information:


