The East Africa GNR launch brings together six SUN countries to defeat malnutrition in the region

On 29 May 2015, the East Africa launch of the Global Nutrition Report (GNR) was hosted in Dar es Salaam by the SUN Civil Society Networks of Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Burundi, and Rwanda, along with KANCO and ACTION. They brought people together from six…

May 29, 2015 - Last update: February 10, 2023
Participants at the East Africa GNR launch. Photo credit: ACTION

Participants at the East Africa GNR launch. Photo credit: ACTION

On 29 May 2015, the East Africa launch of the Global Nutrition Report (GNR) was hosted in Dar es Salaam by the SUN Civil Society Networks of Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Burundi, and Rwanda, along with KANCO and ACTION. They brought people together from six countries with active SUN Networks, and similar nutrition profiles, to highlight shared challenges and successes in working to defeat malnutrition in the region.

The theme of the event was Global Nutrition Report 2014: Tracking Progress, Strengthening Accountability and Accelerating Reduction of Malnutrition and drove cross-cutting discussions across the region to reaffirm commitments to good nutrition.

“We are facing a chronic emergency that will not wait for our attention. For the healthy future of our countries and communities, we must act now and encourage the governments of our region to make political and financial commitments that match the scale of the challenge set before us,” – Aristide Madagasha of the Burundi Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network

“We need to bring these issues at the regional forum. The national teams should then replicate measures to combat nutrition back at home.” – Baguma Tinkasiimire Richard, the coordinator of the Uganda Health Communication Alliance

“The East African community must make new and ambitious financial and political commitments to ensure we do not fall behind in efforts to defeat malnutrition,” – Million Shibeshi of the Ethiopia Civil Society Coalition ‐ Scaling Up Nutrition 

The objectives of the GNR roundtable were to:

  • Review of the Global Nutrition Report 2014 in comparison to the region’s  status
  • Enhance accountability on the East African  situation and advocate for increased commitment and accountability towards nutrition

The annual GNR provides a global profile and country profiles on nutrition for each of the United Nations’ 193 member states, and includes specific progress for each country. The GNR contributes to country-led efforts to strengthen accountability, shares learning about what is working, and highlights bottlenecks to progress and how they may be overcome. Learn more about the Global Nutrition Report.

Learn more at New Vision (Uganda), IGIHE

Read Global Nutrition Report 2014 – Kenya Report


SUN Global Support System
SUN Civil Society Network
Burundi Ethiopia Kenya Rwanda Tanzania Uganda