The Eleanor Crook Foundation releases its 2018 RISE (Research, Innovate, Scale, Establish) for Nutrition Request for Applications

 In 2017, at the Global Nutrition Summit in Milan, the Eleanor Crook Foundation (ECF) made its first large financial pledge: to invest $100 million in nutrition by 2030. The RISE for Nutrition annual Nutrition Request for Applications (RFA) is one key vehicle through which ECF will fulfill that pledge. This portfolio funds research on cost-effective, scalable innovations designed to improve nutrition interventions in East Africa. ECF launched the RISE for Nutrition grant portfolio in 2016 in order to help bridge the gap between identification of successful nutrition interventions and getting those interventions to those who need them most.

October 25, 2018 - Last update: July 4, 2022

In 2017, at the Global Nutrition Summit in Milan, the Eleanor Crook Foundation (ECF) made its first large financial pledge: to invest $100 million in nutrition by 2030. The RISE for Nutrition annual Nutrition Request for Applications (RFA) is one key vehicle through which ECF will fulfill that pledge. This portfolio funds research on cost-effective, scalable innovations designed to improve nutrition interventions in East Africa. ECF launched the RISE for Nutrition grant portfolio in 2016 in order to help bridge the gap between identification of successful nutrition interventions and getting those interventions to those who need them most.

ECF conducted a round of RISE in 2016 and in 2017. The 2018 RFA includes a multi-stage process starting with this open call for concept notes. The process now consists of:

  1. an initial open call for concept notes;
  2. the shortlisting of Semi-Finalists whose projects best fit the selection criteria;
  3. a workshop series where ECF supports the Semi-Finalists to develop a full proposal in collaboration with the Foundation and external experts;
  4. the scoring of final applications and the selection of Finalists, who are presented to the Board for approval; and
  5. the grant refinement process, where ECF and the prospective grantee agree on final implementation and research parameters.

In correlation with the RFA, ECF is also releasing the ECF Grantee Guidance Series: Theory of Sustainability and Theory of Scale. Although ECF has always placed significant value on the scalability and sustainability of our research investments, until recently we did not have clear and pragmatic guidance for our grant-making decisions and our grantees. Please use this document as a resource to help strengthen considerations of scalability and sustainability in your concept notes.

Click here for the complete 2018 Request for Application Guidance.

Questions about the RFA should be submitted by October 31, 2018 and Concept Notes should be submitted by November 25, 2018 to

We need your help. We would be grateful if you could please share ECF’s RFA with your network of organizations!

More information at
