Ethiopia commits to ending undernutrition by 2030 with the Seqota Declaration

On 15th July 2015, Ethiopia declared to end child malnutrition by 2030 with the launch of their Seqota Declaration. The launch was announced by Ethiopia’s Minister of Health, Kesete Admasu, during a side event at the Third International Conference on Financing for Development. The Seqota…

July 21, 2015 - Last update: February 10, 2023

On 15th July 2015, Ethiopia declared to end child malnutrition by 2030 with the launch of their Seqota Declaration. The launch was announced by Ethiopia’s Minister of Health, Kesete Admasu, during a side event at the Third International Conference on Financing for Development. The Seqota Declaration reflects the strong commitment that the Government of Ethiopia has to improving nutrition and recognising the role of nutrition to propel sustainable development.

“What stands out beyond the thoroughness of the strategy and framework for action, was its multisectoral nature – and the long list of government ministries who have pledged to support the achievements laid out in the plan. No less than 11 ministries are listed as architects and supporters – ranging from the Ministries of health and agriculture to the Ministries of Industry, Finance and Economic Development. This is truly a multi-sectoral plan – owned by all” –  Joel Spicer, President of Micronutrient Initiative

The declaration states that through their commitment, they will not allow the current and future generation of children to be malnourished as they will suffer from productivity loss, poorer cognition and economic loss due to reduced schooling. The declaration highlights that the Government of Ethiopia’s belief that it is time to bring the value of nutrition to the forefront of its development agenda.

In Ethiopia The momentum for nutrition is strong. The challenge is to lock in the current high level of commitment to reducing malnutrition in all its forms and convert it into accelerated decline. The time is right to rise to this challenge, and to this end, the Government of Ethiopia has decided to end child under-nutrition by 2030 with a commitment to the ‘Seqota’ Declaration.

The resource commitment and pledge

The Government of Ethiopia REAFFIRMS its commitment to allocate and use all its resources to achieve an end to childhood under-nutrition by 2030. We also REQUEST the engagement of and additional resources from all existing and new partners and stakeholders in support of the Seqota Declaration to end under-nutrition in Ethiopia by the year 2030.


I. Innovation Phase – Learning by doing (2016-2018)

II. Expansion – to reach more vulnerable communities (2019-2020)

III. National Scale Up (2020-2030)

Learn more about the event: Micronutrient Initiative

Learn more about the Third International Conference on Financing for Development: Nutrition at the Third International Conference on Financing for Development


Advocacy Capacity strengthening Nutrition-sensitive
Civil society