
EU, BMZ and SUN Movement join forces in support of the fight against malnutrition

May 4, 2023 - Last update: May 4, 2023

On 19 April 2023, the EU and BMZ officially launched their new initiative in support of the implementation of SUN 3.0. The action, set out for 3 years with a total of EUR 12 million, aims to mobilise European support and expertise in policy development and capacity building for the effective and inclusive operationalisation of the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) 3.0 strategy.

The new initiative reflects and reconfirms the EU’s long-standing engagement and leadership in the fight against hunger and malnutrition, including as reflected in the Commission Action Plan on Nutrition and the engagement of European Commissioner for International Partnership, Jutta Urpilainen, in the SUN Lead Group. With this new commitment, the EU and Germany specifically hope to secure greater coherence between the EU and its Member States and to ensure that nutrition remains at the core of the EU’s development cooperation agenda. Next to the support to SUN, the EU committed to support partner countries in reducing child stunting by at least 7 million by 2025.

The work will provide a demand driven support to partner countries with focus on technical assistance, peer-to-peer exchanges, policy dialogue and advocacy, public financing for nutrition and food systems transformation and healthy diets. It will also support the preparations towards the next N4G Summit to be held in Paris. It is implemented by GIZ, the Spanish Development Agency FIIAPP and Expertise France, in close cooperation and coordination with the SUN Movement Secretariat.


For more information please see here.


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