The European Union calls for more political will and the prioritisation of nutrition on all agendas

The European Union calls for more political will and the prioritisation of nutrition on all agendas

On 30 June 2017, the European Commission – Development & Cooperation, held a conference in Brussels on the European Union (EU) commitment to the SUN Movement and it’s country-led approach to ending malnutrition in all its forms.

July 19, 2017 - Last update: July 4, 2022

On 30 June 2017, the European Commission – Development & Cooperation, held a conference in Brussels on the European Union (EU) commitment to the SUN Movement and it’s country-led approach to ending malnutrition in all its forms.

The conference offered an opportunity to learn more about how countries – Governments in collaboration with civil society, the private sector, donors and UN agencies – are stepping up to make good nutrition for all women, men and their families a reality. 

Pedro Campo Llopis, Head of Section, DEVCO C1, Nutrition, gave an introduction to the Movement followed by Florence Lasbennes, Director of the SUN Movement Secretariat and Patrizia Fracassi, Senior Nutrition Analyst and Strategy Advisor of the SUN Movement Secretariat who gave presentations about progress across SUN Countries.

As highlighted in the recently released 2nd Progress Report on its Action Plan on Nutrition, the EU is actively contributing to reducing under-nutrition through enhanced mobilisation and political commitment.

This is feasible and achievable in our lifetimes. We don’t need technical solutions. We need political will to eradicate malnutrition. What is political will? Its not just an empty word, we need parliaments, in our case the European Parliament, which is fully committed to fighting malnutrition as a priority on their agenda.”

Pedro Campo Llopis, Head of Section, European Commission – Development & Cooperation C1, Nutrition.

Visit the European Commission – International Cooperation and Development website, to watch the webcast.
