Expert panel explore a food systems approach to tackling malnutrition at WHO

On 23 February 2017, the World Health Organization hosted a nutrition seminar at its headquarters in Geneva to discuss the Global Panel’s recently launched Foresight report Food systems and diets: Facing the challenges of the 21st century. A panel of experts discussed the benefits of a food systems…

March 15, 2017 - Last update: February 10, 2023


On 23 February 2017, the World Health Organization hosted a nutrition seminar at its headquarters in Geneva to discuss the Global Panel’s recently launched Foresight report Food systems and diets: Facing the challenges of the 21st century. A panel of experts discussed the benefits of a food systems approach to tackling malnutrition in all its forms and explored opportunities to strengthen ties between health, food systems, agriculture and nutrition communities.


  • Chair: Dr Francesco Branca, Director of the Department of Nutrition for Health and Development at the WHO
  • Dr Lawrence Haddad, Chair of the Global Panel Foresight Lead Expert Group, Executive Director, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
  • Prof Sandy Thomas, Director, Global Panel on Agriculture and Food System for Nutrition


On 16 March, Global Panel Member Emmy Simmons and Technical Adviser Prof Patrick Webb will lead a discussion on findings and recommendations from the Foresight report and its synergies with World Bank programmes in Washington DC.

In May, the Global Panel will launch a food environment policy brief in Brazil with Global Panel Member Dr Mauricio Lopes, President of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa). This will be closely followed by the publication of a consumer behaviour policy brief.

Also in May, the Global Panel will be in Abuja, Nigeria meeting with key decision makers from across government, the business community and civil society to explore how we can inform Nigeria’s strategic approach to achieving healthy diets for all, now and in the future. This high-level roundtable meeting will coincide with the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development’s launch of Nigeria’s Agricultural Sector Food and Nutrition Strategy 2016-2025.


New Glopan foresight report demands action on nutrition to support high quality diets

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Read the original article on Glopan’s website 


Food Systems