Focus on nutrition sensitive programming in the latest issue of ENN Field Exchange

In January 2016, Issue 51 of ENN Field Exchange was launched. This special issue of Field Exchange presents a snapshot of field experiences and relevant peer-reviewed research to provide insights into the current state of knowledge and action for nutrition-sensitive programming. The edition was developed with the…

February 29, 2016 - Last update: February 10, 2023

FEX-51-WebFINAL_SHARE_001In January 2016, Issue 51 of ENN Field Exchange was launched. This special issue of Field Exchange presents a snapshot of field experiences and relevant peer-reviewed research to provide insights into the current state of knowledge and action for nutrition-sensitive programming. The edition was developed with the support of guest editors, Jody Harris (IFPRI) and Aaron Buchsbaum (Secure Nutrition), and features an extended editorial to reflect on the rich content.

ENN (previously the Emergency Nutrition Network)

ENN is a United Kingdom registered charity which was set up to improve practice and strengthen the institutional memory of agencies involved in emergency food and nutrition sectors. ENN focuses on communities in crisis, typically humanitarian emergencies, and where undernutrition is a significant chronic problem. ENN enables nutrition networking and learning to build the evidence base for nutrition programming.

Field Exchange

Field Exchange is an online and print publication on nutrition and food security in emergencies and high burden contexts which is published three times per year. Field Exchange enables fast track publication of programming experiences of relevance to nutrition in emergencies and high burden contexts.

Nutrition Exchange

Nutrition Exchange is an online publication of short, easy to read articles on nutrition programme experiences and learning. Nutrition is summarised information from the flagship publication, Field Exchange. Nutrition Exchange is for all those working to reduce levels of malnutrition at the national, district and community level.

EN-Net: free technical advice for nutrition

En-net is a free and open resource that helps practitioners access technical advice for operational challenges through the online forum. It is an interactive online forum that caters for those working in acute and chronic emergency contexts and where there is a high burden of undernutrition. To use en-net, simply go to to view discussions, or create an account and sign up to one or more forum areas.

SUN en-net

In November 2015, the SUN Movement Secretariat, in collaboration with the Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN), launched an online discussion forum to provide a space for informal discussions of topical issues, approaches and good practices in relation to the four strategic objectives of the SUN Movement.

SUN en-net is open to the public and it is hoped that it will offer a useful resource to those discussing nutrition issues at the global level, as well as to multiple stakeholders in SUN Countries who wish to share successful experiences and discuss challenging aspects of scaling up nutrition with others.

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