Germany donates €24M to Yemen for nutrition, safety nets and girls education

In December, the German government announced the donation of €24 million (US$30 million) to the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in Yemen to support nutrition, protective safety nets and girls’ education. This donation forms part of a two-year Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation which supports a…

January 19, 2015 - Last update: February 10, 2023

In December, the German government announced the donation of €24 million (US$30 million) to the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in Yemen to support nutrition, protective safety nets and girls’ education. This donation forms part of a two-year Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation which supports a gradual shift from relief activities towards recovery and resilience.

“This very substantial donation will have a huge impact on hundreds of thousands of the most vulnerable people in Yemen,” said WFP Yemen Deputy Country Director Rukia Yacoub. The activities funded are;

  • A total US$5.5 million of the contribution will support monthly food distributions or cash disbursements to severely food-insecure Yemeni families under WFP’s protective safety net operation
  • US$14 million will go to treating and preventing malnutrition among young children and pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  • The girls’ education component amounts to US$10 million and will also include take-home rations for 25,000 children released from child labour.
  • The remaining US$500,000 will support capacity development and innovation in the Yemen government.

These activities form part of WFP’s two-year Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation, which started in July 2014.

WFP Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation in Yemen

WFP’s Yemen’s Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO) Safeguarding Lives, Boosting Food Security and Nutrition, and Building Resilience aims to reach six million beneficiaries from mid-2014 to mid-2016. It supports a gradual shift from relief activities towards recovery and resilience.

This operation, with a budget of around US$500 million, aims to reach 6 million people through a range of interventions including;

  • unconditional household food or cash distributions
  • participatory food assistance-for-training or work or assets activities
  • provision of nutritional support to treat and prevent acute, chronic and micronutrient malnutrition
  • meals and take-home rations for school children to contribute to improved nutrition, learning and school attendance

The operation was designed on the basis of several recent assessments including WFP’s mid-2013 Updated Food Security Monitoring Survey, UNICEF’s 2013 baseline nutrition survey, WFP’s 2011 Comprehensive Food Security Survey and UNICEF’s SMART surveys of 2011-13.

The Yemen PRRO was prepared and will be implemented in full consultation and partnership with the Government of Yemen ministries and international partners including sister UN agencies, the World Bank, NGOs, and donors. It is in line with the joint United Nations Framework to Support the Transition in Yemen and the Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan.

PRRO’s aim to align WFP activities with shifts in policy by the international aid community to strengthen government capacity to respond to the humanitarian crisis, meanwhile adopting recovery and resilience approaches to enable households and communities to better withstand, adapt to and recover from stresses and shocks.

Read more about the donation

Learn more about Protracted Relief and Recovery Operations



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