#GirlsCount invites you to count each of the 130 million girls who don’t have access to education

#GirlsCount invites you to count each of the 130 million girls who don’t have access to education

130 million girls didn’t go to school today. A new campaign from ONE aims to make that massive number mean something more than a statistic. Not because they didn’t want to, but because they weren’t given the chance. They are denied an education for a…

March 15, 2017 - Last update: February 10, 2023

130 million girls didn’t go to school today. A new campaign from ONE aims to make that massive number mean something more than a statistic.

Not because they didn’t want to, but because they weren’t given the chance. They are denied an education for a variety of reasons, from cultural norms and costs, to violence and extremism. The result is that these 130 million girls don’t have a fair chance to live a decent and productive life, and the entire world misses out by not benefiting from their potential.

#GirlsCount aims to sound the alarm to elected officials and push them to mobilize resources and support key policy reforms that get these girls in school.


If you believe ALL #GirlsCount, claim a number and film yourself counting it out loud for our elected officials to hear and see.


#GirlsCount webpage

ONE website



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