The Global Nutrition Report | An evidence based treasure trove for nutrition advocacy

On 19 November 2014, the Global Nutrition Report was launched at the second International Conference on Nutrition in Rome, Italy. The report is one outcome of the Nutrition for Growth Summit held in London in 2013. The authors are a group of stakeholders, chaired by representatives of…

November 28, 2014 - Last update: July 4, 2022

On 19 November 2014, the Global Nutrition Report was launched at the second International Conference on Nutrition in Rome, Italy. The report is one outcome of the Nutrition for Growth Summit held in London in 2013. The authors are a group of stakeholders, chaired by representatives of the Governments of Malawi and the UK, working to convene, connect and strengthen existing processes for reporting on nutrition.

The rationale for the Report is that while there is a lot of great information out there on nutrition it is too fragmented and there are some critical gaps.  The Global Nutrition Report aims to be comprehensive, fill in the missing data gaps and, in addition to statistics, it includes the stories behind nutrition issues. The Report is a valuable tool for all stakeholders. In a presentation to SUN countries and networks the 2014 SUN Movement Global Gathering, Lawrence Haddad described the report as an “evidence based treasure-trove for advocacy”.

Following the global launch, there will be a number of donor launches and SUN countries Ethiopia, Indonesia and Senegal are planning national launches in early 2015.

A UK launch of the report will be held on 2 December 2014. See more details.

View the presentation shared with SUN Global Gathering participants here
