Gospel musician from Ghana launches new album and the First 1,000 day’s campaign

On 26 July 2015, Nobel Nketsiah launched his fifth album and the First 1,000 Days of the Child Campaign in Accra, Ghana. Nobel Nketsiah is the National Ambassador for the Ghana Coalition of Civil Society Organizations for Scaling up Nutrition (GHACCSSUN) and his support included…

August 7, 2015 - Last update: February 10, 2023
Mr Frank Agyekum (right) bought a copy of the album on behalf of former President J. A. Kufuor - Photo course: http://graphic.com.gh/entertainment/showbiz-news/47211-noble-nketsiah-stands-up-for-children.html

Mr Frank Agyekum (right) bought a copy of the album on behalf of former President J. A. Kufuor – Photo course: http://graphic.com.gh/entertainment/showbiz-news/47211-noble-nketsiah-stands-up-for-children.html

On 26 July 2015, Nobel Nketsiah launched his fifth album and the First 1,000 Days of the Child Campaign in Accra, Ghana. Nobel Nketsiah is the National Ambassador for the Ghana Coalition of Civil Society Organizations for Scaling up Nutrition (GHACCSSUN) and his support included auctioning the first 20 copies of his new album “I.Am.Noble” and donating the funds to the Campaign.

His commitments to the campaign also include donating 20% of all proceeds of his latest album to the Campaign and advocating for the targeted action and investment to improve nutrition for mothers and children in the 1,000 day window of opportunity – from a woman’s pregnancy to her child’s 2nd birthday.

“As Ambassador, my primary responsibilities include partnering GHACCSSUN in raising awareness (national and internationally) and funds to sustain the campaign,” – Noble Nketsiah, Musician and National Ambassador for GHACCSSUN

Supporters of GHACCSSUN were present at the launch including representatives from donor agencies, United Nations agencies and civil society organisations that are members of GHACCSSUN. Funds raised will be channelled to execute the 1,000 Days of the Child campaign through awareness creation, advocacy, community outreach and public education to influence policy direction, instigate behavioural change and enhance national commitment to increase investment in child nutrition in Ghana.

At the launch, Noble performed five songs – Worthy Is Ur Name, Hope & Praiz, Sweet Love, Nhyira and Ayeyi; before performing some of his popular old hits including Se Metease Yi and Mometie – off the new album.

Read more ameyawdebrah, Graphic Online, Times of Ghana and the Ghana Daily Guide

This music video for Ghana’s Civil Society Alliance “Save the Child” song, by Noble Nketsiah, launched in December 2014. Learn more


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