Huge success for Chad’s first national forum on nutrition and food

Chad held its first national forum on nutrition and food in N’Djamena from 28 to 30 April 2015, under the aegis of the president and in the presence of the Prime Minister. Its goals were to report on the nutritional situation in Chad and its…

May 6, 2015 - Last update: February 10, 2023

Champlîons - Attestation Mariam Mahamat NourChad held its first national forum on nutrition and food in N’Djamena from 28 to 30 April 2015, under the aegis of the president and in the presence of the Prime Minister. Its goals were to report on the nutritional situation in Chad and its impact on the country’s social and economic development, and to disseminate the National Nutrition and Food Policy (PNNA) and its Intersectoral Nutrition and Food Action Plan (PAINA).
The 350 delegates were able to discuss their respective roles in implementing the PAINA and learn about the 11 champions of nutrition, including the Minister of Health, identified across various sectors and at various levels and whose attendance was recognised with the award of certificates. Finally, the forum saw the creation of a network of scientists for SUN countries, institutionalised under the permanent technical committee of the multisectoral platform.

More information available here

Champion’s certificate


