Indonesian Ministers of finance, health, planning and development talk nutrition with SUN Movement Coordinator

Indonesian Ministers of finance, health, planning and development talk nutrition with SUN Movement Coordinator

On 22 February 2017, SUN Movement Coordinator and Assistant Secretary-General, Ms. Gerda Verburg, met with Ministers from a wide range of sectors during a two day visit to Indonesia. Gerda was welcomed by Ibu Nina Sardjunani at Indonesia’s Sustainable Development Secretariat Office – Ibu Nina has championed nutrition as a member the SUN Movement Lead Group since 2012. Ibu Sri Mulyani, Minister of Finance, Bapak Bambang Brodjonegoro, Minister of National Development Planning/Bappenas and Bapak Subandi, Deputy Minister and SUN Government Focal Point, met with Gerda in addition to policy makers from the Ministry of Health.

March 14, 2017 - Last update: February 10, 2023


On 22 February 2017, SUN Movement Coordinator and Assistant Secretary-General, Ms. Gerda Verburg, met with Ministers from a wide range of sectors during a two day visit to Indonesia. Gerda was welcomed by Ibu Nina Sardjunani at Indonesia’s Sustainable Development Secretariat Office – Ibu Nina has championed nutrition as a member the SUN Movement Lead Group since 2012. Ibu Sri Mulyani, Minister of Finance, Bapak Bambang Brodjonegoro, Minister of National Development Planning/Bappenas and Bapak Subandi, Deputy Minister and SUN Government Focal Point, met with Gerda in addition to policy makers from the Ministry of Health. The diversity of sectors met indicates the complex underlying causes of malnutrition and how the government of Indonesia is prioritising a multi-sectoral response to the issue.

Indonesia joined the SUN Movement in 2011 with a letter of commitment from HE Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, the Minister of Health. At the time, Indonesia had begun the ‘First 1,000 Days of Life Movement’ which was launched by four government ministers. The ‘First 1,000 Days of Life Movement’ included objectives cemented in an official policy framework that mirrored the World Health Assembly 2025 targets on nutrition. Since then, a multistakeholder platform has developed significantly, with an additional five technical ministries and three coordinating ministries. The Donor and UN Country Network on Nutrition (DUNCNN) has brought on board two new members and the Civil Society Alliance has expanded to also include interfaith organisations and universities. Indofood leads the SUN Business Network (SBN), which has also expanded its membership to companies beyond those in the food and beverages sector.

This visit formed part of Ms. Verburg’s sub-regional mission to countries in Southeast Asia throughout February and March 2017. Meetings were held in SUN Countries Vietnam, Cambodia and Indonesia followed by a meeting in Bangkok, Thailand to forge bonds with regional entities. A meeting took place with ASEAN Deputy Secretary-General for ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community, H.E. Vongthep Arthakaivalvatee during her time in Indonesia.

