Information fair in Peru educates a local community on good nutrition practice

On 7 October 2015, an information fair about combating child malnutrition was held in Yungay Province in Peru to support their Nutriwawa program. The event was organised by the Ministry of health and the Health South Pacific Network. Demonstrations held aimed to raise awareness of good dietary…

October 30, 2015 - Last update: February 10, 2023

Nutriwawa fairOn 7 October 2015, an information fair about combating child malnutrition was held in Yungay Province in Peru to support their Nutriwawa program. The event was organised by the Ministry of health and the Health South Pacific Network. Demonstrations held aimed to raise awareness of good dietary practices and personal hygeine. Villagers were also shown how to feed their young children with healthy products and deliver micronutrient, nutritional supplements which the Health South Pacific Network distributes for free containing iron, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin C and folic acid.

Learn more about the event at Entorno Inteligente

Learn more about the Nutriwawa program at the Preu Ministry of Health: MINSA Nutriwawa


Advocacy Capacity strengthening
Civil society