Inspiration and lessons from our SUN Government Focal Point in Kenya

Inspiration and lessons from our SUN Government Focal Point in Kenya

In May 2017, ENN published an new video interview with Gladys Mugambi, head of Kenya’s Nutrition and Dietetics Unit in the Ministry of Health and SUN Government Focal Point. In the video, Gladys discusses the nutrition sector’s past successes, current challenges and future perspectives in the country.

June 28, 2017 - Last update: February 10, 2023

In May 2017, ENN published an new video interview with Gladys Mugambi, head of Kenya’s Nutrition and Dietetics Unit in the Ministry of Health and SUN Government Focal Point. In the video, Gladys discusses the nutrition sector’s past successes, current challenges and future perspectives in the country.

Gladys talks of the evolution of nutrition policy and programming in Kenya including what opportunities the SUN Movement has brought through work with in-country networks and sharing learning with other SUN countries in the region. She decribes the work currently going on in Kenya around financial tracking and the nutrition budget line, school feeding and working with devolved counties on nutrition.

Questions and comments can be shared through the en-net conversation thread for this post.

About ENN

ENN (formerly known as the Emergency Nutrition Network) is a United Kingdom registered charity which was set up to improve practice and strengthen the institutional memory of agencies involved in emergency food and nutrition sectors. ENN focuses on communities in crisis, typically humanitarian emergencies, and where undernutrition is a significant chronic problem. ENN enables nutrition networking and learning to build the evidence base for nutrition programming. ENN receives funding from the Department for International Development to support the SUN Movement in the area of knowledge management until 2020.

