Introducing Hina – Madagascar’s Civil Society Alliance for Scaling Up Nutrition

In Malagasy, the word ‘Hina’ signifies characteristics of unity, strength, support and consolidation.  In collective commitment to work together, representatives from across the country came together in Antananarivo on 5 November 2013 to launch, Hina – the country’s Civil Society Alliance for Scaling up Nutrition….

November 26, 2013 - Last update: February 10, 2023

In Malagasy, the word ‘Hina’ signifies characteristics of unity, strength, support and consolidation.  In collective commitment to work together, representatives from across the country came together in Antananarivo on 5 November 2013 to launch, Hina – the country’s Civil Society Alliance for Scaling up Nutrition.

Representatives from 40 Civil Society Organizations, 8 national platforms, representatives from several sectors including nutrition, health, education, children’s rights, rural development and microfinance and six regions of Madagascar met to begin to build the foundations of the country’s platform for civil society.

After a welcome speech by Mr. Jean François, National Coordinator of the National Office for Nutrition and Government Focal Point of the Malagasy Government SUN Movement , participants discussed the key challenges for addressing undernutrition in the country.  This included the fragmentation of civil society, the poor integration of nutrition in key sectors and a lack of financial sustainability of programs.

The workshop helped identify a strong motivation of the participating organizations to work together continuously and collectively through Hina.  A draft terms of reference for the platform was discussed covering goals and key areas of action.  Eight national platforms and 34 civil society organizations also signed a statement of support for the creation of HIna and expressed their interst to become active members.

Read a summary of the workshop ▶


