Join us in welcoming the Indian State of Jharkhand!

Join us in welcoming the Indian State of Jharkhand!

On 7 September 2016, Director General, Mridula Sinha, of the Jharkhand State Nutrition Mission, signed a letter of commitment officially joining Jharkhand as a member of the SUN Movement. Jharkhand joins 57 countries from Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Indian States of Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh, currently driving the SUN Movement.

September 19, 2016 - Last update: July 4, 2022
Credit: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation / Prashant Panjiar

Credit: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation / Prashant Panjiar

On 7 September 2016, Director General, Mridula Sinha, of the Jharkhand State Nutrition Mission, signed a letter of commitment officially joining Jharkhand as a member of the SUN Movement. Jharkhand joins 57 countries from Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Indian States of Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh, currently driving the SUN Movement.

Jharkhand is a state in eastern India, with a population over 32 million, the state’s 2014 rapid survey on children revealed that 47% of children under 5 were stunted, 15% were wasted and 42% were underweight. In recognising the states urgent need to address the issue of malnutrition, the Government of Jharkhand set up the State Nutrition Mission in 2015 as the lead agency to coordinate all nutrition related efforts. The missions vision document includes targets and indicators to measure progress towards improving the nutritional status of women and children all over the state.

In the letter of commitment, Director General Sinha expressed the deep commitment of the Government of Jharkhand to focus on the first thousand days as the key window of opportunity and through joining the SUN Movement, hopes to share best practices and learn from other member countries and states.

Read the letter of response from Gerda Verburg, SUN Movement Coordinator.
