Latest survey in Bangladesh shows large declines in stunting rates

On 24th April 2015, the Bangladesh 2014 Demographic Health Survey (BDHS) was launched and highlights some of the great progress made in the nutrition sector. Three of the indicators where there had been significant progress were related to nutrition. Stunting of children under-five reduced from…

May 19, 2015 - Last update: February 10, 2023

Image for DHSOn 24th April 2015, the Bangladesh 2014 Demographic Health Survey (BDHS) was launched and highlights some of the great progress made in the nutrition sector. Three of the indicators where there had been significant progress were related to nutrition. Stunting of children under-five reduced from 41 percent to 36 percent and underweight had reduced from 36 percent to 33 percent compared to the 2011 BDHS. The survey also shows that Bangladesh has now achieved Millennium Development Goal 4 – reducing child mortality by two thirds.

The survey, however, found that exclusive breastfeeding rate had declined in the last three years, along with the coverage of the measles vaccine and Vitamin-A capsule. Dr Kanta Jamil, a senior adviser of the USAID,’s Office of Population, Health, Nutrition and Education, said that these could be addressed if they are given special attention. She said the purpose of the survey was not to measure success or failure and added, “It’s to guide us where we need greater programme attention to attain programme objectives”. Health Minister Mohammed Nasim, thanked the BDHS team for the findings and asked the director general of the family planning directorate to infuse vigour into its programme.

The population research and training institute, NIPORT, has been conducting the survey every three years with supports from the USAID and the ICF International to evaluate the entire health and family planning sector’s performance.

Learn more at BDNEWS24

Download a preliminary report and key indicator report at DHS Program


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