Launch of the first-ever investment framework to reach the global nutrition targets

Launch of the first-ever investment framework to reach the global nutrition targets

On 17 April 2016, the first ever framework to invest in nutrition was launched by the World Bank, Results for Development Institute, and 1,000 Days in Washington D.C. The event represents the start to a broader dissemination of the nutrition investment framework which identifies that…

April 19, 2016 - Last update: February 10, 2023

On 17 April 2016, the first ever framework to invest in nutrition was launched by the World Bank, Results for Development Institute, and 1,000 Days in Washington D.C. The event represents the start to a broader dissemination of the nutrition investment framework which identifies that an additional $7 billion per year for the next 10 years is needed to reach four of the six global nutrition targets of the World Health Assembly. The first-of-its-kind analysis of the global resources relates to the stunting, breastfeeding, anemia, and wasting targets.

“Science shows that scaling up investments in nutrition and other types of early childhood development services will help end physical stunting while also promoting cognitive and socio-emotional development. Age-appropriate nutrition, responsive case, and psychosocial stimulation help build sound brain architecture for life. From breastfeeding and micronutrient supplements to stimulation by caregivers, early reading and getting kids out of toxic environments, we are able to achieve substantial improvements in short periods of time with major returns on the investment.” – Jim Kim, President of the World Bank

Currently only $3.9 billion is spent on nutrition annually, despite being an issue that affects the health and development of millions of children and women globally. The event emphasized that governments can immediately scale up their investments in a subset of high-impact solutions. This priority set of interventions would require only $2.2 billion a year above what is currently spent and is estimated to save 2.2 million lives and empower 50 million more children to grow to their full physical and cognitive potential in 2025.

Download Investing in Nutrition: The Foundation for Development

Download the infographic 

Visit the Thousand Days website to learn more about the analysis and watch a video of the event: Thousand Days.

Click here to learn more about the World Health Assembly Targets and other global commitments.




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