Liberia joins the SUN Movement!

On 3 February 2014, Liberia became the 47th country to commit to scaling up nutrition with the SUN Movement. The government of Liberia, through the leadership of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOHSW), is deeply committed to scaling up nutrition investments, designing interventions…

February 14, 2014 - Last update: February 10, 2023

On 3 February 2014, Liberia became the 47th country to commit to scaling up nutrition with the SUN Movement. The government of Liberia, through the leadership of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOHSW), is deeply committed to scaling up nutrition investments, designing interventions to combat malnutrition and making progress over the last three years. Liberia’s 2012 Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) called “Agenda for Transformation”, identifies nutrition as a national priority and an overall development agenda.

Whilst proud of their achievements to date, Liberia is conscious more work remains and joins the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement to find opportunities to share and learn from experiences with other SUN countries and harness support from the SUN international community. The MOHSW is already engaged in the process of developing a multi-sectoral, national nutrition implementation plan that fully embraces both direct nutrition interventions as well as nutrition sensitive actions that will be delivered through related sectors to achieve positive nutrition outcomes for the nation as a whole.


