Madagascar: Launch of national SUN Movement

The Government of Madagascar officially launched the national SUN Movement on 12 September and presented its road map for implementation.

October 3, 2012 - Last update: February 10, 2023

The Government of Madagascar officially launched the national SUN Movement on 12 September 2012 and presented its road map for implementation. “The challenge is enormous for the ONN (Office for National Nutrition), which today supports the SUN Madagascar Movement,” said Prime Minister Omer Beriziky. “The ONN assumes the multisectoral coordination of nutrition interventions. It must be able to rely fully on all stakeholders in the nutrition sector. Today is the kickoff of a mobilization of all stakeholders in nutrition.”

“This integration SUN and the establishment of a national group allows Madagascar to have better synergy and better coordination of the actions of all stakeholders in the nutrition sector. The SUN Movement combines the strengths and resources of all stakeholders in nutrition, allowing to have more impact, more results no organization, no government could achieve alone,”Added the UNICEF Representative in Madagascar, Steven Lauwerier.

Malnutrition is a public health problem serious Madagascar. With more than half of children chronically malnourished, the country ranked sixth in terms of global rates chronic malnutrition among children under five years old.

