Mapping SUN Movement Networks in 17 fragile and conflict-affected states

Mapping SUN Movement Networks in 17 fragile and conflict-affected states

A snap shot of developments and progress This paper summarises findings from work carried out by ENN in 2018 to document the presence, make-up and activities of SUN country Networks in 17 SUN countries categorised as fragile and conflict-affected states (FCAS). ENN supports these countries…

February 7, 2019 - Last update: February 10, 2023

A snap shot of developments and progress

This paper summarises findings from work carried out by ENN in 2018 to document the presence, make-up and activities of SUN country Networks in 17 SUN countries categorised as fragile and conflict-affected states (FCAS). ENN supports these countries through its Department for International Development (DFID)-funded Technical Assistance for Nutrition (TAN) work. Part of the support that DFID provides to the SUN Movement, the TAN programme facilitates and funds demand-driven Knowledge Management (KM) and Technical Assistance (TA) services to SUN countries. Under this programme ENN supports learning and knowledge-sharing, broadly defined as KM. These SUN countries face unique challenges to institutionalising and scaling up nutrition.

ENN prioritised these 17 countries to provide close support and track progress and achievements in the current strategic period. ENN works through a team of three embedded regional KM specialists (RKMS), who are based in regional hubs in West Africa, East Africa and South Asia, who work closely with key informants in their respective focus countries.

In most countries, where Networks were well established, the Network convenor was able to share information on the status of the country Networks with the RKMS team directly; information on 26 Networks was obtained in this manner. However, in many cases, the people with the most up-to-date information were former convenors, members of a Network, or simply a stakeholder in country who was well informed and able to provide the most upto-date information. In total, the RKMS spoke to 89 people across the 17 countries. ENN used a snowballing technique to identify additional relevant key informants as it proceeded. It was difficult to get information about Networks that were not currently active, or who were in a transition period without a convenor.

In these cases, the team made several follow-up attempts and attempted to triangulate information received from other sources. In Indonesia, for example, evidence on the SBN was gathered from the WFP Nutrition Specialist who supported the SBN. In Pakistan information on the SDN was collated by information from other stakeholders, and in Yemen WFP contacts provided details on the progress of the UN Network. In total, information on 10 Networks was not provided by those within the Network directly.  Furthermore, it was concluded that in six cases where no information could be obtained, these Networks were not in operation.

It is important to note that this paper gives a partial view of Network activity and progress, as it looks at a unique subset of SUN FCAS countries. Furthermore, the findings summarise the status of the Networks at one particular point in time. Many Networks seem to experience flux with changes in momentum and activity levels, depending on what is happening in the country, the stage of government policy and planning cycle, and other factors; therefore this summary provides an important ‘snapshot’ of the Networks in FCAS, rather than capturing the full history of the Networks. Despite these limitations, rich insights have been gained which can offer supplementary information to the SUN MEAL system on Network progress and actions.

Mapping SUN Movement Networks in 17 fragile and conflict-affected countries – English
ENN Online Nutrition Exchange 11 – January 2019


SUN Global Support System
SUN Business Network SUN Civil Society Network SUN Donor Network
Bangladesh Chad Ethiopia Indonesia Kenya Mali Myanmar Nepal Niger Nigeria Pakistan Senegal Somalia South Sudan Yemen