The Minister of Health launches Niger’s first Multi-sectoral Nutrition Strategy

On 15 January 2016, the Government of Niger launched its first multi-sectoral nutrition security strategy titled “Politique national multisectorielle de sécurité nutritionnelle” (PNSN), focused on the engagement of various stakeholder groups in the fight against malnutrition. The launch concludes over six months of development, including…

February 2, 2016 - Last update: February 10, 2023

On 15 January 2016, the Government of Niger launched its first multi-sectoral nutrition security strategy titled “Politique national multisectorielle de sécurité nutritionnelle” (PNSN), focused on the engagement of various stakeholder groups in the fight against malnutrition. The launch concludes over six months of development, including consultations regionally and across ten ministries.

The Ministry of Health chairs the multi-sectoral committee which is piloting the programme titled “Programme Stratégique 4” (CMPS4) as part of Niger’s “Nigérians nourissent le Nigériens” (3N) initiative. The launch was supported by the United Nations (UN) REACH initiative which coordinates four UN agencies in the country.

“Recent efforts to eliminate malnutrition, demonstrates that no single actor, organisation or government structure can achieve nutrition security alone. In order to make a significant and sustained effort towards improving malnutrition of our communities, especially children, it is crucial that actions are implemented multi-sectorally, with high level political will, effective coordination and with all stakeholders involved.” – Mano Aghali, Minister of Health, Niger.

The PSNS acts as a common framework for programmes and activities to recognise, protect and achieve the right to nutrition security for all. The PSNS identifies roles and responsibilities for the management and coordination of all stakeholders including donors, technical providers, civil society and the private sector.

The launch of the strategy also highlighted the important contribution of nutrition towards achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The next phase of the plan will be to receive validation from the cabinet of the Prime Minister followed by the development of a plan of action including budgeting for nutrition.

Read more about the event: Communique du presse

Learn more at UNICEF Niger

