Mothers Against Malnutrition in Burundi

THE GUARDIAN, 9 APRIL 2014: Burundi’s children are among the most malnourished in the world, but a project empowering mothers gives hope for a solution. Of Burundi’s 11 million inhabitants, 90% rely on agriculture, which means a large proportion of the population is affected by acute…

April 11, 2014 - Last update: February 10, 2023

THE GUARDIAN, 9 APRIL 2014: Burundi’s children are among the most malnourished in the world, but a project empowering mothers gives hope for a solution. Of Burundi’s 11 million inhabitants, 90% rely on agriculture, which means a large proportion of the population is affected by acute food insecurity, climate hazards and limited access to land. The resulting malnutrition has been further aggravated by civil war and recent floods.

According to Unicef, 58% of children under five are suffering from malnutrition. In recognition of the crucial role of mothers in reducing Burundi’s malnutrition rates, programmes are being implemented to empower mothers including the Burundian governments national Integrated Programme of Food and Nutrition (Pronianut).

Read the article here

Find out more about Scaling Up Nutrition in Burundi here

Educating mothers about nutrition and a balanced diet is key to raising a healthy next generation in Burundi. Photograph: Linda Nylind


