Multiple stakeholders collaborate in Burundi for a regional workshop to build human capacity for nutrition

On 25 August 2014, the Government of Burundi held a two day regional workshop in Bujumbura, Burundi, to address the challenges in building human capacity for nutrition. The Minister of Public Health and the fight against AIDS, Dr. Sabine Ntakarutimana, opened the event saying the…

September 26, 2014 - Last update: February 10, 2023

On 25 August 2014, the Government of Burundi held a two day regional workshop in Bujumbura, Burundi, to address the challenges in building human capacity for nutrition. The Minister of Public Health and the fight against AIDS, Dr. Sabine Ntakarutimana, opened the event saying the region faces challenges in food security and nutrition and that it requires a multi-sectoral approach. She highlighted feeding practices, food diversification and breastfeeding as particularly important factors which impact a child’s nutritional status. The workshop brought together participants from the SUN countries of Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique and Madagascar. South Africa also participated in the event.

Following this event, a two day “training-of-trainers” workshop was held in Gitega, just east of Bujumbura about the implementation of two flagship interventions as part of the Burundi multi-sectoral strategic plan for food security and nutrition. In collaboration with REACH (who help to coordinate FAO, IFAD, WHO, WFP & UNICEF), the Group of the African Development Bank, civil society and donors, the workshop brought together over 300 participants from provinces and communes around the country.

Dr. Deo-Guide Rurema, Deputy Chief of the Office of the 2nd Vice-President and SUN Government Focal Point opened the event and expressed the determination of the government to nutrition and reminded participants that everyone has a specific role to play. He identified key milestones for the country including;

  • REACH support, October 2013
  • Presidential Decree for the multi-sectoral platform for Food and Nutrition Security (PMSAN), July 2013
  • Development of the multi-sectoral strategic plan for nutritional food security
  • Establishment of the technical working group, July 2014

The two flagship interventions that were the focus of the workshop were the installation of “Kitchen Gardens” and “Tippy Tap” facilities for washing hands. The workshop concluded with key recommendations for each group; government, technical and financial partners, and those implementing the programmes.

Learn about the “train the trainers” workshop with the FULL REPORT.
Read more at StarAfrica.


SUN Global Support System
SUN Civil Society Network SUN Donor Network
Advocacy Capacity strengthening
Burundi Kenya Madagascar Mozambique Rwanda Uganda