National consultation informs Pakistan’s multi-sectoral nutrition strategy

National consultation informs Pakistan’s multi-sectoral nutrition strategy

On 1 June 2016, the National SUN Secretariat and the Ministry of Planning Development & Reform in collaboration with other ministries & partners, organized a consultative meeting on the formulation of Pakistan’s Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy. All stakeholders from line ministries, provincial departments, development partners, businesses, donors,…

June 23, 2016 - Last update: February 10, 2023

DSC_6163On 1 June 2016, the National SUN Secretariat and the Ministry of Planning Development & Reform in collaboration with other ministries & partners, organized a consultative meeting on the formulation of Pakistan’s Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy. All stakeholders from line ministries, provincial departments, development partners, businesses, donors, UN, academicians & researchers contributed in the meeting.

Welcoming the audience Mr. Stephen Glunning, Deputy Country Director for World Food Programme reiterated the need for concerted efforts from all the partners under the leadership of Planning Commission for scaling up nutrition in the country. He appreciated the fact that it will be formed through consultative process and hoped that this meeting will add value to the strategy.

SUN Focal Person-Pakistan Mr. Aslam Shaheen highlighted objectives of the meeting & stated that Pakistan has unique features & needs to adopt a two pronged approach to address it; economic growth & nutrition specific initiatives.

Pakistan Multisectoral Nutrition Strategy will basically be focusing on both strategies. He said that after the devolution, the federating units developed their own inter-sectoral/integrated nutrition strategies; however, owing to the urgency for an effective and timely response to the Pakistan Vision 2025, Global World Health Assembly Targets, Framework of Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN-2), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Global Scaling up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Strategy there is a dire need for a comprehensive multisectoral nutrition strategy at national level.

Read the press release: English  


