Nepal: Civil Society Awarded $428,000 to Strengthen Scaling Up Nutrition

Civil society organizations in Nepal have been awareded funding to implement a project that seeks to influence the development and implementation of an adequate and effective policy and programmatic response that will lead to improved nutrition outcomes.

August 7, 2013 - Last update: February 10, 2023

Civil society has been recognized as a key stakeholder responsible for advocating and sustaining the political will for government action in monitoring and accountability of both public sector and private sectors in improving nutrition. This is creating a more favorable environment for civil society to make a positive contribution.

Civil society organizations in Nepal have been awareded funding to implement a project that seeks to influence the development and implementation of an adequate and effective policy and programmatic response that will lead to improved nutrition outcomes. More specifically the proposal will help achieve the following three core objectives:

  • To establish a strong, sustainable and inclusive civil society alliance on nutrition from all sectors
  • Strengthen the capacity of the civil society to influence policy design, implementation and monitoring and to build relations with government and the donor community
  • To mobilize CSOS to advocate for and report on the response to malnutrition in Nepal, including develop proposals and recommendations to improve the response

Learn more about MPTF funding in Nepal.

About the SUN MPTF

The SUN MPTF, established in March 2012 by participating UN agencies and contributing donor partners, is designed to ensure catalytic grants reach governments, UN agencies, civil society and other stakeholders to enable development and implementation of national efforts to scale up nutrition. Not meant to replace other steams of funding, the MPTF was established to enable or initiate action on scaling up nutrition at the country-level when other funding support is not available.

In addition to providing financial support for initiating SUN actions at the country level – including establishment and strengthening of multi-stakeholder platforms, stock-taking, hosting national SUN launches and facilitating sharing of experiences at regional and global meetings – an initial funding priority of the MPTF is to support development and operation of civil society platforms in SUN countries.

Learn more about the SUN MPTF ▶

