New book: Good Nutrition Perspectives for the 21st century

New book: Good Nutrition Perspectives for the 21st century

In October 2016, DSM and Sight and Life Foundation-led editorial board has launched a new book titled, ‘Good Nutrition: Perspectives for the 21st Century,’ to provide the latest perspectives on the nutrition challenges that are now common to all societies worldwide. It argues that the case for good nutrition for all people, in all parts of the globe and throughout the entire life-cycle, is growing stronger and includes contributions from some of the world’s most influential and respected experts in the field.

November 21, 2016 - Last update: July 4, 2022

good-nutrition-perspectives_001In October 2016, DSM and Sight and Life Foundation-led editorial board has launched a new book titled, ‘Good Nutrition: Perspectives for the 21st Century,’ to provide the latest perspectives on the nutrition challenges that are now common to all societies worldwide. It argues that the case for good nutrition for all people, in all parts of the globe and throughout the entire life-cycle, is growing stronger and includes contributions from some of the world’s most influential and respected experts in the field.

Download: IntroductionKey definitions and executive summary / Access the full report at Karger: 

The book explores the economics of nutrition and malnutrition and discusses a wide range of tried and tested, evidence-based approaches and interventions that can improve the nutritional status of the general population as well as at-risk groups. From topics such as consumer food choices to ensuring good nutrition for vulnerable population groups, a range of experts from diverse organizations have contributed insights.

Nutrition is a complex subject, affected by many intertwining factors. Good Nutrition: Perspectives for the 21st Century pulls it all together in one easy-to-follow volume.”

Anna Lartey, President of the International Union of Nutritional Sciences and Director of Nutrition at the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization
