A new book by Roger Thurow on the fragile, but critical, first 1,000 days

On 3 May 2016, Roger Thurow, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and senior fellow for global agriculture and food policy for the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, launched his newest book “The First 1,000 Days: A Crucial Time for Mothers and Children – And the World.” The book calls attention…

May 27, 2016 - Last update: February 10, 2023

Roger Thurow Book CoverOn 3 May 2016, Roger Thurow, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and senior fellow for global agriculture and food policy for the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, launched his newest book “The First 1,000 Days: A Crucial Time for Mothers and Children – And the World.” The book calls attention to the vital importance of proper nutrition and health care in the 1,000 days window of opportunity. It follows the 1,000-day journeys of 12 new mothers from 4 countries: the United States, Uganda, India, and Guatemala and tells the stories of each woman’s efforts to gain the knowledge and resources that would allow her to provide the best care and environment for her child, and also the unique struggles each faces in the process.

The 1,000 days period is the crucial period of development, from the beginning of a woman’s pregnancy to her child’s second birthday, when malnutrition can have severe life-long impacts on the individual, the family and society as a whole. Nutritional deficiencies that occur during this time are often overlooked, resulting in a hidden hunger. It is a problem of great human and economic dimensions, impacting rich and poor countries alike.


Listen to a podcast where author, Roger Thurow, discusses his new book with international development experts Tom Arnold, SUN Movement Coordinator ad interim and Catherine Bertini.

Explore the digital tool that highlights the experiences of mothers in the four countries at The Chicago Council – Digital

Learn more about the project that lead to the book at: The Chicago Council Blog: Outrage & Inspire 

Purchase the book: Amazon » | Barnes & Noble » | Indie Bookstores » | The Book Cellar »

