A New Way to Connect the Movement | by: David Nabarro, SUN Movement Coordinator

The launch of the new SUN website comes at an exciting time for the Movement. There are now 30 SUN countries while the number of organizations and individuals who support the Movement runs into the …

September 21, 2012 - Last update: July 4, 2022

The launch of the new SUN website comes at an exciting time for the Movement. There are now 30 SUN countries while the number of organizations and individuals who support the Movement runs into the thousands. It is important to ensure that we all stay connected and receive updates on progress and upcoming events.

The website provides a forum for information exchange. It supports our collective efforts to realize the vision of ending hunger and malnutrition so that every mother, child and family can realize their full potential.

I invite and encourage everyone to make use of the site – to share news and resources, learn about the progress being made in SUN countries and provide commentaries.

This is not meant to be a one-way or closed conversation. You are the community that drives this Movement and I hope that you will use this site to share your ideas and actions. Your voices, your engagement and your interaction are vital to ensure that the Movement is accountable and best-positioned to support the efforts of countries.

I also invite you to share information about SUN on Twitter and Facebook and sign-up for email updates to stay connected to the Movement.  This Movement can only be effective if we all take part.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

David Nabarro

Coordinator, Scaling Up Nutrition Movement, and Special Representative

of the Secretary-General for Food Security and Nutrition
