Niger: Civil Society Platform on Nutrition to Receive $428,000

Funding to support a civil society platform in Niger will seek to build awareness and capacity for nutrition and strengthen the ability of civil society to coordinate on issues related to nutrition as well as conduct a unified outreach effort among government and donors.

December 11, 2012 - Last update: February 10, 2023

Funds to support a civil society platform in Niger will seek to raise awareness and capacity for nutrition, especially at the community level, to establish and strengthen a multisectoral framework for the promotion of nutrition and mobilizing domestic and international funds sufficient for nutrition. The platform will strengthen the capacity of civil society to coordinate nutrition-related problems and conduct a unified effort between government involvement and donors. It is expected that 18 representatives and civil society organizations signed an agreement and form a steering committee for the coordination of the platform.

Learn about FFDS funds for civil society platform in Niger ▶


The FFDS SUN, created in March 2012 by United Nations agencies and donor partners participating taxpayers, was designed to ensure that governments, UN agencies, civil society and other representatives receive grants to support the development and implementation of national efforts to promote nutrition. The FFDS, which is not intended to replace other funding streams, was set to enable or initiate actions to promote national nutrition when no other financial support available.

In addition to providing financial support to launch SUN actions at national level (including the establishment and strengthening of multi-stakeholder platforms, balance sheets, the organization of the national launch of SUN and exchange of experiences in global and regional meetings ), the initial financial FFDS priority is to support development and operation of civil society platforms in member countries of SUN.

Learn more about the SUN FFDS ▶

